

Lands, Governments, Banks, Universities, and the United Nations Climate Change conference.

The fossil fuel industry is holding land, water, banks, universities, governments, and climate talks like the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP) hostage. Their influence in these areas of society has halted growth and stimulated climate inaction and denial for decades. Based on projections from the 2018 IPCC report, we must reduce emissions or risk warming above 2°C which would come with catastrophic impacts on ecosystems and people around the world. We’re far past the turning point. Negotiations have been less centred around changes and more around world leaders navigating loopholes, which is caused primarily by the fossil fuel industry’s lobbying tactics and immense influence and presence within these discussions.


According to CDP’s Carbon Majors report of 2017, polluters like ExxonMobil Corp, Aramco, Gazprom OAO, Royal Dutch Shell PLC have been exerted 71% of global Carbon emissions since 1988.  Ironically enough, these polluters also have the greatest influence in nativating the direction of global Carbon Reduction agreements. This is blatant hypocrisy and even worse is allowing the companies who’ve led us into this crisis to pretend that they are the pioneers of solutions. The UN is allowing the fossil fuel industry to monopolize the energy industry in the future.That is why we are attempting to bridge together scientists and activists and indigenous people to kick fossil fuel out once and for all. Polluters Out is a global coalition of youth as well as adult allies and scientists that demand these polluters are out of indigenous lands, world governments, and are left out of the discussions at COP 26. While the fossil fuel industry has lobbied world leaders to benefit their own interests, this coalition is intended to be one where youth across the world lobby and pressure the UNFCCC and the Government of the United Kingdom to implement structural change to the framework in which these discussions operate. It is time the people who are facing the effects of climate change, whose lands have been exploited by the fossil fuel industry have a seat at the table, so that at COP 26 we can develop real solutions to the crisis we are facing, because we are out of time.



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